

海伦 & 休·威廉姆斯奖学金

  • 主修历史、政府或政治学
  • First 考虑 will be for applicants who are residents of Knox County, Indiana, 然后是县域的地理区域
  • Academic record, leadership, ability and participation in school activities are a 考虑
  • Full time (12 or more credit 小时) or Part time students are eligible; (6-11 credit 小时). 注册,参加,完成和通过
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.

约翰米. 里昂奖学金

  • First 考虑 will be for students majoring in History - Full time student enrollment 只有
  • Other majors acceptable if no History majors that meet criteria
  • Graduate of Vincennes Lincoln High School or Vincennes Rivet High School
  • Recipient must have a high school cumulative GPA of 2.5或以上,并保持不变 在奖学金期限内
  • 经济需要是一个考虑因素
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.

肯尼斯 leroy " bud " Smith纪念奖学金

肯尼斯 leroy " bud " Smith                  紫心勋章

Mr. 肯尼斯 Leon Smith continues to carry forward his late wife’s strong belief in 帮助别人. 夫人. 特蕾莎·凯瑟琳·史密斯于2019年去世. 史密斯夫妇 澳门足球博彩官方网址结婚32年了.

这项奖学金是以李先生的名义颁发的. 史密斯的“巴德叔叔”肯尼斯·勒罗伊·史密斯. 肯尼斯 LeRoy Smith was a Vincennes native who made the ultimate sacrifice in the 1943 Battle of Tarawa, the first American offensive in the critical central Pacific region during 二战. 他当时22岁. 先生. 史密斯说:“我叔叔从来没有这样的机会 去追寻他的梦想. 澳门足球博彩官方网址的希望是帮助别人实现他们的目标.”

  • Recipients shall be enrolled at the 文森地区校园
  • Recipients shall be enrolled as a full-time student
  • 受助人须攻读历史学位.
  • 收件人必须有一个3.5 high school grade point average (GPA) or a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 GPA of 3.5 如果一个回国的学生.
  • Financial need may be a 考虑 for the selection process.
  • If a student matching all of the listed criteria is not presented, a degree-seeking student studying Economics/Economic History or Finance/Finance History may be considered 如果他们符合所有其他标准.


In addition to the specific scholarship criteria, all students must meet and maintain 以下是奖学金指南.