Obtaining a Visa

International Visa 

一般来说,希望进入美国的外国公民必须 首先获得签证,可以是临时停留的非移民签证或移民签证 visa for permanent residence. All international students should apply for a student visa if they want to study in the USA. A student visa is a permit issued by the US 政府允许非移民学生在该国学习.

Obtaining an F-1 Visa

在你收到文森斯大学的I-20表格后,按照 U.S. Embassy or Consulate这是为你的F-1学生签证安排面试的指示. It is important 尽可能提前申请学生签证. Many consulates recommend 预约时间不得超过预定旅行日期的90天,但是 some can make earlier arrangements for interviews.    


1) Ties to Your Home Country

Under U.S. 法律规定,所有非移民签证的申请人,如学生签证,都是 有意向移民的观点,直到他们能说服领事官员他们 are not. 因此,你必须能够证明你有返回的理由 你的祖国比留在美国更强大.

“与祖国的纽带是指将你与家乡联系在一起的东西, 或目前的居住地:工作、家庭、你拥有或将要拥有的财务前景 inherit, investments, etc. 如果你是未来的本科生,面试 官员可能会询问你的具体意图或对未来就业、家庭的承诺 或其他关系,教育目标,成绩,长期计划和事业 prospects in your home country. Each person's situation is different, of course, and 没有神奇的解释,也没有单一的文件、证书或信件 guarantee visa issuance. If you have applied for the U.S. Green Card Lottery, you may be asked if you are intending to immigrate. A simple answer should be that you 申请了抽签,因为它是可用的,但没有具体的移民意图. 如果你之前在美国停留的时间超过了授权期限,请做好准备 清楚而简洁地解释发生的事情,如果可以的话,提供文件. 

2) English

准备好面试是用英语进行的,而不是用你的母语 language. 一个建议是和以英语为母语的人练习英语会话 before the interview, but do NOT prepare speeches! If you are coming to the United 只求学习强化英语,就准备好如何解释英语 be useful for you in your home country.

3) Speak for Yourself

面试时不带父母或家人. The consular officer wants to interview you, not your family. A negative impression is created if you are not prepared to speak on your own behalf. If you are a minor applying for a high school 程序和需要你的父母有问题的情况下,例如关于 funding, they should wait in the waiting room.

4) Know the Program and How It Fits Your Career Plans

如果你不能清楚地说出原因,你将在一个特定的项目中学习 在美国,你可能无法说服领事官员 你确实是在计划学习,而不是移民. You should also be able 解释在美国学习与你未来职业生涯的关系 when you return home.

5) Be Brief

由于收到的申请数量庞大,所有领事官员都感到相当紧张 time pressure to conduct a quick and efficient interview. They must make a decision, 在很大程度上,取决于他们在面试的第一分钟形成的印象. 因此,你的开场白和你给人的第一印象是至关重要的 to your success. 回答警官的问题时要简明扼要.

6) Additional Documentation

领事官员应该立即清楚地知道你写了什么文件 are presenting and what they signify. Lengthy written explanations cannot be quickly read or evaluated. 记住,你只有2-3分钟的面试时间 are lucky.

7) Not All Countries are Equal

申请人来自遭受经济问题的国家或许多 学生留在美国,因为移民会遇到更多的困难 getting visas. 从统计数据来看,来自这些国家的申请人更有可能被录取 intending immigrants. 他们也更有可能被问及工作机会 at home after their study in the United States.

8) Employment

你来美国的主要目的应该是学习,而不是为了机会 to work before or after graduation. While many students do work off-campus during 他们的学习,这样的工作是附带的,他们的主要目的是完成他们的学业 U.S. education. 你必须能够清楚地表达你的计划,在回家 the end of your program. 如果你的配偶也在申请F-2签证, 请注意,F-2家属在任何情况下都不能在美国工作 States. 如果被问到,准备好回答你的配偶打算如何处理他或她的婚姻 her time while in the United States. Volunteer work and attending school part-time are permitted activities. 

9) Dependents Remaining at Home

如果你的配偶和孩子留在你的国家,准备好讲话 how they will support themselves in your absence. This can be an especially tricky 如果你是你家庭的主要收入来源,那么你可以选择. If the consular officer 得到的印象是你的家人需要你从美国汇款 为了支持自己的国家,你的学生签证申请几乎肯定会 be denied. 如果你的家人决定晚些时候加入你,这是有帮助的 让他们在你申请签证的同一岗位申请吗.

10) Maintain a Positive Attitude

Do not engage the consular officer in an argument. If you are denied a student visa, 向官员要一份他或她建议你按顺序携带的文件清单 克服被拒绝的情绪,试着把被拒绝的原因写下来.

*本文件由澳门足球博彩官方网址工作者协会(NAFSA)制作. NAFSA would like to credit Gerald A. Wunsch, Esq., 1997, then a member of the Consular Issues Working Group, and a former U.S. 墨西哥、苏里南和荷兰的领事官员 以及印第安纳大学的玛莎·韦尔斯对这份文件的贡献. NAFSA also appreciates the input of the U.S. Department of State.

Consult with Study in the States: 


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